Two pocket billiards (pool) classes will be offered by Green Valley Recreation.
Pocket Billiards (Pool) 101A and 101B
These are sequential foundational classes and will be taught at the West Center by Sam Yulish and Lisa Wilding.
Look for more information as to dates/time in the Winter Edition of the GVR Course Catalog.
If an individual wishes to teach a billiards class, they have two choices:
Teach through GVR with the approval of the Billiards Club board. The instructor will have access to the Billiards Club's training equipment and/or materials. The prospective instructor will need to teach from the current course outline and be able to demonstrate his/her teaching abilities to a committee.
Teach through GVR, but not representing the Billiards Club. The instructor will not have access to the Billiards Club's training equipment and/or materials. Also, a Billiards Club member may not teach a class that is currently offered by the Billiards Club (see #1 above).
Typical Training Session